1. I (to be) in London this year. 2. We (to see) this film before. 3. He (not to met) his parents. 4. She (to hear) this music before. 5. I (to write) a new book this month. 6. They (not to finish) their work yet. 7. Alan (not to have) his breakfast. 8. Cathy (not to get) up yet. 9. Martin (not to wash) up yet. 10. We (not to tell) him the truth. 11. You (to mention) my name? 12. Your mother already (to come)? 13. Where Martin (to go)? 14. Why John (to take) this book? 15. Jane (to be) at the theatre this week?



Ответ дал: nindanil
1. I have been in London this year. 2. We have seen this film before. 3. He hasn't met his parents. 4. She has heard this music before. 5. I have written a new book this month. 6. They have not their work yet. 7. Alan hasn't had his breakfast. 8. Cathy hasn't got up yet. 9. Martin hasn't washed up yet. 10. We haven't told him the truth. 11. Have you  mentioned my name? 12. Has your mother come already? 13. Where has Martin gone? 14. Why has John taken this book? 15. Has Jane been at the theatre this week?
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