Преобразуйте прямую речь в косвенную, запишите и переведите получившиеся предложения. Не забывайте менять местоимения, где есть необходимость; ставить if, если это вопрос; менять слова по правилу с75; менять время (по табличке).
1) Ann to Erica: I am connecting my earphones to the computer now.
2) Bred to you: They were in the theatre yesterday,
3) Mary to Tom; Have you seen Alison today?
4) Hank to Don: I won this silver cup three years ago.
5) Mike to you; Do you often go here?
6) Sam to Maggy: We have not talked to Jerry yet.


Ответ дал: damnluck


ann said erica that she was connecting her earphones to computer before

bred said me that they had been in theatre the day before yesterday

mary asked tom if had she seen alison yesterday

hank said don that he had won this silver cup three years ago

mike asked me if i was going here often

sam said maggy that they had not talked to jerry yet

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