Исправит Ошибки Слова
1.George and Marry is watching TV. 2.Mr. Green is painting not the hospital. 3.You isn’t listening to the teacher. 4.He reading a magazine. 5.I is swimming. 6.They are makeing a cake. 7. My friend is runing to school. 8. We are go to the cinema. 9. My brother is listenning to the radio


Ответ дал: TatyanaNT


1.George and Marry are watching TV.

2. Mr. Green is not painting  the hospital. (изменен порядок слов)

3. You aren’t listening to the teacher.

4. He is reading a magazine.

5. I am swimming.

6. They are making a cake.

7. My friend is running to school.

8. We are going to the cinema.

9. My brother is listening to the radio.


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