СРОЧНО !ДАМ 30 БАЛЛОВ ЗА ВЫПОЛНЕНИЕ! Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в нужную форму, используя правило на разные способы выражения будущих действий. 1 The flight (arrive) at 7 pm. 2 The sky is dark. It (rain). 3 We (go) to the seaside next summer. 4 l hope I (get) a good mark for the Maths test tomorrow. 5 Be careful. The road is slippery. You (fall) down. 6 Don't worry. I (help) you with arranging the party. I promise. 7 When you (learn) the words, I will give you another task. 8 I think this film (be) popular with teenagers. 9 If you (not want) to join the club next week, let me know. 10 When the lesson (start) tomorrow? 11 What you (do) tonight? 12 Tomorrow at 8 am I (walk) to school. 13 Tomorrow by 8.30 I (get to school).​


Ответ дал: lexzy1


1.) The flight arrived at 7PM

2.) The sky is dark. It rains

3.) We going to the seaside next summer.

4.) gets

5.) fell

6.) Helped

7.) learning

8.) being

9.) not want

10.) starting

11.) doing

12.) walk

13.) go to school

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