100 баллов!!!!
Rewrite into Passive
1 A local resident saw the UFO.
2. A doctor has performed the autopsy.
3. The man gave a report on the UFO sighting.
4. Investigators are examining the debris of a spacecraft.
5. The mayor will open a new planetarium.
6. UFO hoax has fooled thousands of people.
7. Morgan was studying a meteor shower.
8. The locals know the beast as Nessy.
9. Ben thought that a fake alien body will fool locals.
10. People are preparing for the UFO festival.
11. Loren is looking for real evidence of criptids.


Ответ дал: mihailutsajulia


1 the UFO was seen by a local resident.

2 the autopsy has been performed by a doctor.

3 a report on the UFO sighting was given by the man.

4 the debris of a spacecraft is being examined by investigators.

5 a new planetarium will be opened by the mayor.

6 thousands of people have been fooled by UFO hoax.

7 a meteor shower was being studied by Morgan.

8 the beast is known as Nessy by the locals.

9 Ben thought that locals will be fooled by a fake alien body.

10 the UFO festival is being prepared for by people.

11 real evidence of criptids is being looked for by Loren.

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