дополните предложения,
изменив слова, написанные заглавными буквами.

1. Many wise men and poets and __________​were invited.
2. “That is a good __________,” he said.
3. He has seen me in my_________, and is trying to open my eyes.
4. The poet bowed his head​ ____________.
5. In a _____________book, called “The Arabian Nights”, there are many interesting stories about him.


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1. Many wise men and poets and MUSICIANS ​were invited.

 Было приглашено много мудрецов, поэтов и МУЗЫКАНТОВ.

2. “That is a good BEGINNING,” he said.

 — Это хорошее НАЧАЛО, — сказал он.

3. He has seen me in my BLINDFOLD, and is trying to open my eyes.

 Он увидел меня в ПОВЯЗКЕ НА ГЛАЗАХ и пытается открыть мне глаза.

4. The poet bowed his head​ OBEDIENTLY.

  Поэт ПОСЛУШНО склонил голову.

5. In a WONDERFUL book, called “The Arabian Nights”, there are many interesting stories about him.

  В ЗАМЕЧАТЕЛЬНОЙ книге под названием «Тысяча и одна ночь» о нем много интересных историй.

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