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Labour Day

The first Monday in September is Labour Day in the USA — a holiday of workers. Here is a short story of how it started.

On September 5, 1882 there was the first Labour Day march in New York. On that day 20,000 workers walked along Broadway with flags. They wanted to show how important working people are for the country. After the parade there were picnics all around the city. In 1894 the US Congress made it a national holiday.

Today most Americans believe that Labour Day marks the end of summer. They enjoy the last long weekend on the beaches and in the parks. School for children starts on Tuesday after Labour Day.

1. To have a parade in September 1882 was the idea of____ .

a) The US Congress

b) working people

c) people who loved parades

2. The first Labour Day parade took place in _____ .

a) the US Capital

b) a big square in New York City

c) a large street in New York City

3. After the first parade in 1882 people _____ .

a) had a meal at home

b) had a meal in the open air

c) had a meal in a cafe or a restaurant

4. Now people ______ on Labour Day in the US.

a) don’t work

b) go to work and to school

c) have picnics


Ответ дал: itsnotbad


1. b
2. c
3. b
4. a


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