Нужно в каждом времени из верхней картинке сделать консверную речь одного любого предложения
Очень срочно нужно одноклассники 2 шоколадки обещал за это не подведите



Ответ дал: aksyaaksuta


Present Simple

1) Do you like the computer games?

She asked me if I liked the computer games

2)What computer games do you like?

She asked me what computer games I liked

Present Continuous

1) Are you liking the compute games?

She asked me if I was liking the computer games?

2) What are you liking the computer games?

She asked me what computer games I was liking

Present Perfect

1) Have you liked the computer games?

She asked me if I had liked the computer games

2) What have you liked the computer games?

She asked me what computer games I had liked

Past Simple

1) Did you like the computer games?

She asked me if I had liked the computer games

2)What did you like the computer games?

She asked me what computer games I had liked

Past Continuous

1) Were you liking the computer games?

She asked me if I had been liking the computer games

2) What were you liking the computer games?

She asked me what computer games I had been liking

Future Simple

1) Will you like the computer games?

She asked me if I would like the computer games

2) What will you like the computer games?

She asked me what computer games I would like

Modal verb

1) Can you like the computer games?

She asked me if I could like the computer games

2) What can you like computer games?

She asked me what computer games I could like


mikishkinadasha: Ты скопировал ответ, там много пробелов!
mid988: Пхах даша, у тебя классная ава!:)
aksyaaksuta: Скопировал, потому что я уже ответил ранее на этот вопрос. На профиле у него 4 таких вопроса...
mikishkinadasha: Эээ.........
mikishkinadasha: Ого
mid988: я вижу ты по английскому профи
mid988: будешь помогать мне с английским
Вас заинтересует