Exercise 3. Put in «to have» in Present Simple, Past Simple or Future Simple.
1. My best friend
a lot of spare time every day because he doesn't work.
2. I wonder where is Peter? He
some work to do.
3. Tomorrow morning I' II an appointment with my future boss.
4. What about going to the cinema?- I
enough money.
5. When you were at school,
the best friend?
6. Call the police or we'll
7. Next Monday I'll
8. Tomorrow we'll a party. Will you join us?
9. I am going on a business trip to London -
you a ticket?
10. She
a large flat in the center of the city.
an exam.


Ответ дал: Лусушка


1. My best friend has a lot of spare time every day because he doesn't work.

2. I wonder where is Peter? He has some work to do.

3. Tomorrow morning I' II have an appointment with my future boss.

4. What about going to the cinema?- I have enough money.

5. When you were at school, did you have the best friend?

6. Call the police or we'll have problems!

7. Next Monday I'll have an exam...

8. Tomorrow we'll have a party. Will you join us?

9. I am going on a business trip to London - Do you have a ticket?

10. She has a large flat in the center of the city.

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