Раскройте скобки, употребите глагол в нужном времени (Present - Past – Future Simple):
1. My firm (to invest) much money into promotion of its products last month.
2. The secretary (to type) a lot of paper every day.
3. The receptionist (to meet) you at 5 o' clock tomorrow.
4. The manager (to go) on a business trip in a week.
5. Martin (to work) on an oil rig in the North Sea.
6. The manufacturer (to sell) ten lots of his product to the wholesaler a year ago.


Ответ дал: MainBrain123


1. My firm invested much money into promotion of its products last month.

2. The secretary types a lot of paper every day.

3. The receptionist will meet you at 5 o' clock tomorrow.

4. The manager went on a business trip in a week.

5. Martin works on an oil rig in the North Sea.

6. The manufacturer sold ten lots of his product to the wholesaler a year ago.

MainBrain123: можно, пожалуйста, лучший ответ
Polina56318: будет возможность-поставлю)) Спасибо
MainBrain123: пожалуйста, рад помочь
MainBrain123: только не забудь поставить лучший ответ
Polina56318: может подскажешь как поставить?
MainBrain123: да
MainBrain123: тебе придёт уведомление о том, что надо выбрать какой ответ лучший
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