Раскройте скобки, поставив заключенные там глаголы в прошедшее простое или прошедшее длительное время:
1. Jack (do) ____ his homework when his father (come) ____ home from work. 2. Mary (wear) ____her new dress when I (meet) ____ her yesterday. 3. The children (write) ____ their compositions when the teacher (come) ____ into the classroom. 4. She (walk) ____ along the street when she (see) ____ an old friend. 5. The woman was ill, and she (lie) ____ on her bed when her children (come) ____ home from school. 6. The sun (rise) ____ when I (get) ____ up this morning. 7. The child (sleep) ____ when the doctor (come) ____ . 8. I (read) ____ the newspaper when I (hear) ____ the telephone. 9. He (fall) ____ down and (break) ____ his leg while he (play) ____ football. 10. The boy (jump) ____ off the bus while it (go) ____.


Ответ дал: roxyfoxyPie


1)1.was doing 2. came 2)3.was wearing 4.met 3)5.were writing 6. came 4)7.was walking.

8.saw. 5)9.was lying 10.came 6) 11.was rising 12.got 7)13.were sleeping. 14.came 8)15.was reading 16.heard 9)17.fell 18 broke 19.was playing 10)20.jumped 21.was going

Ответ дал: Лусушка

1. Jack was doing his homework when his father came home from work.
2. Mary was wearing her new dress when I met her yesterday.
3. The children were writing their compositions when the teacher came into the classroom.
4. She was walking along the street when she saw an old friend.
5. The woman was ill, and she was lying on her bed when her children came home from school.
6. The sun was rising when I got up this morning.
7. The child was sleeping when the doctor came .
8. I was reading the newspaper when I heard the telephone.
9. He fell down and broke his leg while he was playing football.
10. The boy jumped off the bus while it was going.

Во всех предложениях один и тот же аспект прошедшего длительного времени - прерванное действие. Это значит, что одно действие длилось в прошлом и его перервало другое. Формула для такой ситуации следующая:
(Was/were + doing) WHEN (Ved/v2), где Ved/V2 - это краткое действие, прерывающее делительное.
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