M 2 Complete the sentences with too or enough and the adjectives in the box. small clean expensive old 1 You can't wear Dad's T-shirt. It's too big. 2 I haven't got lots of money, so I can't buy these trainers. They are 3 These glasses aren't You need to wash them again, 4 Tina isn't to see this film. It's for 15-year-olds and she is twelve. 5 Oh no! This pizza is It has six pieces and there are twenty people here.​



Ответ дал: kvaqimzqo
2 expensive
3 old
4 enough
5 small
Ответ дал: Fiaksita
1) expensive
3) old
4) old

Fiaksita: (3) clean) я просто нечаянно не туда написала
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