Ex. 4. Present Continuous or Present Simple? 1. Simon is (be) here now, he is always (be always) here working at the computer. 2. (you learn by heart) poems? - Yes, our literature teacher (tell) us so. 3. We (not turn) here, we (turn) in the next street. 4. The children (eat) soup now. 5. (the children eat) soup every day? 6. (you play) volleyball? (you play) well? 7. My grandparents (rest) after each meal. They (be) very old. 8. When you (sleep)?-I (sleep never). 9. Where (John live)? - He (live) in England, and his friend (be) from Spain. 10. This sack _(weigh) 25 kilos, I (not think) I can lift it up. 11. Sorry, I (not have time now, I (have) a class right now. 12. (you trust) Michael? - yes, he (be) a nice guy. 13. Who (you see) over there? (it be) Tom?​


Ответ дал: galina572319


Ex. 4. Present Continuous or Present Simple?

1. Simon is (be) here now, he is always (be always) here working at the computer.

2. Do you learn poems by heart? - Yes, our literature teacher tells us so.

3. We don't turn here, we turn in the next street.

4. The children (are eating) soup now.

5. (Do the children eat) soup every day?

6. (Do you play) volleyball? (Do you play) well?

7. My grandparents rest after each meal. They are (be) very old.

8. When do you sleep?- I never sleep                                

9. Where (does John live)? - He (lives) in England, and his friend is (be) from Spain.

10. This sack (weighs) 25 kilos, I (don't think) I can lift it up.

11. Sorry, I don't have time now, I (am having) a class right now.

12. (Do you trust) Michael? - Yes, he is (be) a nice guy.

13. Who (do you see) over there?  Is it Tom?​


Глаголы состояния (state verbs), такие как  ве, have, trust, see, weigh и другие, не употребляются в длительном времени (Present Continuous), поэтому их берём здесь в Present Simple, хотя действие происходит в момент речи.

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