EL 5. Present Continuous or Present Simple? What __(you do) here? - We (just listen) a new song by Josh B. 2. (you want) to see my new guitar? - Yes, I_ 3. Michael (know) German rather well. He (want) to know English, too, but he (have) little time for it now. 4. What magazine (you read)? - It (be) a French magazine. There (be) good articles on sports here. (you be) interested in sports? - Yes, I_ But I (not know) French 5. We (have) an English lesson now. 6. (Lisa usually prepare) her homework? - No, she__As a rule, she (do) it at home. — And what she (write) now? -Oh, she (write) an article for our newspaper. 7. Who (be that man) which (stand) there at the door? - (you not recognize) him? It (be) John, my cousin. 8. I (have) no time now, I (have) a meeting. 9. Where (Tom and Nick be) now?- They (have) a conversation in the garden. 11. You (recognize) these people? Who (they be)?​


Ответ дал: sevinyanroza467

What are you doing here? - We are just listening a new song by Josh B. 2. Do you want to see my new guitar? - Yes, I do 3. Michael knows German rather well. He wants to know English, too, but he has little time for it now. 4. What magazine are you reading? - It is a French magazine. There is good articles on sports here. Are you interested in sports? - Yes, I am.But I do not know French 5. We are having an English lesson now. 6. Does Lisa usually prepare her homework? - No, she doesn't. As a rule, she (do) it at home. — And what she is writting now? -Oh, she is writing an article for our newspaper. 7. Who is that man which is standinf there at the door? - Do you not recognize him? It is John, my cousin. 8. I have no time now, I'm haveing a meeting. 9. Where is Tom and Nick now?- They have a conversation in the garden. 11. Are You recognizing these people? Who are they?

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