Complete the first conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. If Emily ____ (give) me some help, I ____ (finish) my homework in an hour.
2. You I ______(not/ know) this rule if you_______ (not/learn) it.
3. She _____(come) to my party if her mum_____ (allow) her
4. Mary ____(be) angry if she_____ (hear) about this.
5. If we _____(buy) tickets, we_____ (go) to the cinema tonight. ​


Ответ дал: emilia561


1. If Emily gives me some help, I will finish my homework in an hour.

2. You won't know this rule if you don't learn it.

3.She will come to my party if her mum allow her.

4. Mary will be angry if she hears about this.

5. If we buy tickets we will go to the cinema.

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