6 ACTIVATE Ask your partner about their ideal place to live. How many of your ideas are the same? Use Is there ... ?, Are there...? and How many ... ? and your own ideas in exercise 5. Give short answers. My ideal place to live is a small town. Is there a skateboard park in your ideal town? Yes, there is​


Ответ дал: aminabeslam


There is a big shopping.There is a park.There are tall buildings.There are hospitals There are schools.There is a river.There are no factories.


я 5 получил

frechencarl: дв
frechencarl: да
mustafinmiras5: а я 2
aminabeslam: пруфы я 5 получил
dilnazaskenova: можно перевод
thenurali9: ????
bernarmuhtar29: ..
Аноним: чо
Аноним: та вроде топ ответ
zamalmuratbek00: спасибо
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