Помогите пожалуйста,преобразовать в косвенную речь(Том сказал..)
What does she want her children to do?
What does he need to get over his illness?
Why do they think that the mother is not fair?
What does she want have to do around the house?


Ответ дал: MariavonRichter
Tom asked what she wanted her children to do
Tom asked what he needed to get over his illness.
Tom asked why they had thought that the mother was not fair.
Tom asked what she wanted (had) to do around the house (Не разберу, какое слово в последнем предложении want или have
Ответ дал: CloserToTheEdge
Tom asked her what she wanted her children to do
Tom asked him what he needed to get over his illness
Tom asked them why they thought that the mother was not fair
Tom asked her what she wanted to do around the house
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