tezrooo pls
write a story about an occasion when telling a truth caused a problem​

ErkinovaSakina: hello


Ответ дал: smokeu


Truth is a beautiful word. When you speak the truth, you will feel clean, clear conscience. But there are such moments that because of the truth you will get into some kind of problems, many of this happened. Cruel, heartless people, despite the fact that you speak the truth, you will be beaten, scolded and even cursed. Whatever such cases were, you must live in peace without breaking the rules!

ErkinovaSakina: story
smokeu: ??
smokeu: ты чяго имеешь ввиду?
ErkinovaSakina: write a story , not other kind of things
smokeu: ну ладно удали мой ответ
ErkinovaSakina: I don't know Russian but this short essay was good but I need story
smokeu: maybe a question?
smokeu: sorry for my answer, if you want to delete my answer, but I don't know such stories, sorry again.
ErkinovaSakina: No need to apologize, thank you very much
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