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Ответ дал: bighugemister


  1. don't they?
  2. didn't she?
  3. hasn't she?
  4. aren't they?
  5. can it?
  6. doesn't he?
  7. didn't he?
  8. won't he?
  9. aren't they?
  10. isn't he?


  1. They have already built their house.
  2. He will take his cat to the vet tomorrow.
  3. Tom doesn't catch the train to work every morning.
  4. When does he usually clean his room?
  5. We were trying to find tickets for the concert yesterday.
  6. Why did they buy a new car last week?
  7. Have you just written a letter?
  8. I was doing my homework while my brother was playing a computer game.
  9. Look! Ann and Nick are running to school.
  10. Kate left the sports club late yesterday.
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