Complete the dialogues using must, have to or 1. A: Can I leave now? B: No, you can't. You do the washir first. A:Oh, OK. Could I take some money from Jenny's bag? She take other pe here. B: Of course not. You money without asking them first. A: I'm sorry, sir, but you theatre. You : OK. Jane, sandwich. You can go in without me. u do the washing-up. I'll do it lat take food i eat your sandwich stay here to finish m​


Ответ дал: 9t7ito


,eltn ajhynyfqn bkb gfgfl;b [f[f[f[[f


snar95: эм
9t7ito: 1.A:must,B:mustn't

2.A:must B:mustn't

3.Have to
9t7ito: вот
9t7ito: просто там на английском написал случайно
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