СРОЧНО! Open the brackets using future tenses and other ways of expressing future.

He (to finish) his book by February.
I (to have) chocolate ice cream, please.
We (to take) our grandparents travelling this summer.
She can’t come to school today, she (to see) her dentist.
At this time tomorrow, I (to sunbathe) in Sochi.
We should hurry, the train (to leave) in 15 minutes.
Look, a boy is climbing a tree, he (to fall) down!
They (to meet) at the café at 6 o’clock.


Ответ дал: margo8653
1.He will finish
2.will have (но по смыслу больше подходит can I have)
3.will take
4.will see
5.will be sunbathe
6.will leave
7.will fall
8.will meet

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