Rewrite the dialogues using Reported Speech.даю 100 балів ) розписано маж бути ​



Ответ дал: iamkirka

1) ... what Miverla did last weekend

... that she took part in a competition

2) ... that she help him with him homework

... that she must tidy her room first

iamkirka: 3) ... when Phil would bring her book
... that he would bring her book tomorrow
4) ... stop made so much noise
... sorry, mum, we didn`t do it again
Ответ дал: coileee


1. Piercy wanted to know what Minerva had done that weekend.

Minerva answered that she had taken part in a competition.

2. Carl asked Melissa to help him with his homework.

Melissa agreed, but she said that she had to tidy her room first.

3. Tatiana asked Phil when he would bring her his book.

Phil answered that he would bring it to her the following day.

4. Billy and Lily's mother told the kids to stop making such noise.

Billy and Lily said that they were sorry and promised they wouldn't do it again.

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