Замените личные местоимения, данные в скобках
соответствующими притяжательными местоимениями. Предложения
1. I have some notebooks and pencils in (I) bag.
2. Those are (we) instruments.
3. (He) examples are always interesting.
4. That is a line, (it) length is 1/2 of a meter.
5. They finished (they) experiments.
6. Show me (you) translation.


Ответ дал: JesusLovesYouu
1) I have some notebooks and pencils in my bag .
2) Those are our instruments.
3) His examples are always interesting .
4) That is a line . Its length is 1/2 of a meter .
5) They finished their experiments.
6) Show me your translation .

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