C. Complete the sentences with it or there and the correct form of the verb to be. 1. A: a new Science teacher in our school. B: Really? What does he look like? 2. Wake up. almost 12. 3. A: Excuse me. Where can i buy some flowers? B: a florist's next to the bank on Park Street. 4. A: Mum, can we make a cake? B: Let's see. some eggs and some butter in the fridge, but any milk. Sorry. 5. sunny today. Why don't we go for a walk? 6. A lot of people go to the new Internet café. very popular. 7. two shopping centres in our town. The second one is huge. помогите дам 15 балл​



Ответ дал: lera8364


1. There is
2. It is
3. There's
4. There are (some eggs...)
there isn't (any milk..)
5. It's
6. It's
7. There are
8. It's


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