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Home › Essays “How I spent the summer” › Essay on the topic “Summer in the camp”

Composition on the theme "Summer in the camp"

Essays "How I spent my summer"

This summer has been very interesting. In June I went to a school camp. There we played different games, went to the library, participated in various competitions. And in July I went to the Young Guard camp. Here I made friends with many girls. In the morning we ran, did exercises. There were various activities in the camp. We played sports games. I learned to play volleyball and chess. There was a lake nearby. There we swam and learned to swim. Strawberries grew near the lake. We picked it up and ate it. The nature in those places is very beautiful.

And in August, together with my parents and younger brother, we stayed in the village with my grandfather. They helped him in the garden, weeded, watered. Grandfather grows very tasty raspberries and late strawberries. Mom made jam, and I helped her. There are many beautiful flowers in the garden. I made bouquets and put them in vases.

The summer was warm, although it often rained. But it was still great! Such a wonderful summer!

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Ответ дал: anatughushianatughus


Это моя первая поездка в летний лагерь, он находится на горе в лесу, рядом с лесом ест моленкая река, восдух там чистий. Дома деревянные, надеюсь меня ждут много новых друзей и незабываемых приключений .(можеш приписат што Ты едиш на автобусе и аписат твои чуства)


This is my first trip to a summer camp, it is located on a mountain in the forest, next to the forest there is a prayer river, the air is clean there. Wooden houses, I hope many new friends and unforgettable adventures are waiting for me.

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