Fill in Present Simple Passive forms: 1. Alakol is/are (visit) by lots of tourists every year. 2. Some of famous skyscrapers is/are (construct) in the USA 3. A pleasant tune are/is (hear) everywhere. 4. Foreign languages arelis (teach) at all schools. 5. lis/am (buy) a new tablet. 6. Whose tasks are/is (do)? 7. Is/are the tennis set (win)?​


Ответ дал: diana030406di

1) Alakol is visits by lots of tourists every year.

2) Some of famous skyscrapers are construct in the USA.

3) A pleasant tute is hears everywhere.

4) Foreign languages are teach at all schools.

5) I am buy a new tablet.

6) Whose tasks are does?

7) Is the tennis set wins?

Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj
1. ... is visited by lots of tourists.
2. ...are constructed in...
3. A pleasant tune is heard everywhere.
4. Foreign languages are taught at all schools .
5. I am bought a new tablet.
6. Whose tasks are done?
7. Is the tennis set won?

. Объяснение:

lnazik51: допоможіть будь ласка із англійською
lnazik51: завдання у моєму профілі
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