1. Peter ____(to play) football yesterday.
2. They ____(to repair) the car at 5 o’clock yesterday.
3. When Andrew ____(to enter) the room, I ___(to eat) a cake which he
(to buy).
4. Last year we ___(to go) to Lviv.
5. My friend ___(to read) a book by 4 o’clock.
6. When I ___(to arrive) home last night, the my mum ___(to prepare) dinner.
7. We thought he ___(to break) his arm, so we ___(to phone) for an ambulance.
8. I ___(to meet) my friend two days ago.


Ответ дал: zanindanil20


1. Peter played football yesterday.

2. They were repairing the car at 5 o’clock yesterday.

3. When Andrew entered the room, I was eating a cake which he


4. Last year we went to Lviv.

5. My friend has reading a book by 4 o’clock.

6. When I  arrived home last night, the my mum was preparing dinner.

7. We thought he broke his arm, so we phoned for an ambulance.

8. I met my friend two days ago.


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