Reading Comprehension
I. Read the text carefully
A Surprise Party for Gerry
He was stuck in bed, a cute card, He was feeling rather miserable, A
dozen gifts, To tease, A spectacular birthday present
Gerry was feeling very sorry for himself. He had broken his leg, and
he was in hospital. He had already been there for three weeks. Worst of
all, it was his thirteenth birthday, and he didn't want to be in hospital
for that. He was stuck in bed, and it was boring, boring, boring.
His birthday had started in the same way as the previous days in
hospital. At half past ten the doctor came to see him.
Happy birthday,
she said,
*Can I look at your cards?" Gerry had received cards
from his family and a cute one from his neighbours, but not one from
his friends. Even Frankie, his best friend, had forgotten him. He was
feeling rather miserable. Maybe they didn't care about him.
At lunch time his mother arrived. She had brought IMdozen gifts tor
Gerry and soon his bed was covered in wrapping Paper. His best
present was a CD player. *Thanks, Mum,
* he said.
"That's just what I
need in here." Things were looking up.
Suddenly there was a lot of noise from outside the door. Then the
door flew open, and his whole class walked in. First, they sang "Happy
Birthday to You"
very loudly and gave him a huge card. Then they
crowded round his bed and looked at all his gifts. Next, Frankie's
mother came in with a big birthday cake and paper plates. After that his
classmates gave him three CDs of his favourite band. Finally, they sat
around his bed and ate birthday cake.
Then Gerry's doctor came in. "We need some peace and quiet in
;" she teased. "How would you like to go home tomorrow?"
-Wow." said Gerry.
"That's a spectacular birthday present,

2 Match.
1. Gerry had been in hospital for
three weeks because
2. He was stuck in bed, so
3. Gerry's family sent him cards,
4. His doctor came to see him that
morning and
5. His mother came that afternoon
him after all.
6. His classmates had planned
surprise birthday party
7. Gerry was happy because
8. Gerry's doctor came that after-
noon and

a) he felt bored.
b) his friends hadn't sent him
c) gave him a CD player.
d) he had broken his leg.
e)his friends hadn't
f) gave him some
g) saw his cards.
h) brought Gerry a card and
some presents.

Ill. True or False,
1. It was Gerry's thirteenth birthday.
2. Gerry had received a lot of cards and gifts from his family and
3. But Gerry wasn't very happy,
4. Mum gave him a nice mobile phone.
5. His friends didn't come to Gerry's birthday,
6. The doctor said Gerry would go home tomorrow.
IV. Answer the questions.
1. Why was Gerry feeling sorry for himself?
2, How did his birthday start?
3. What did Gerry receive from his family and neighbours?
4. Why wasnt Gerry happy?
5. Who visited Gerry then?
6. What did his classmates give him?



Ответ дал: MaryFairy211


II Match. - Соотнесите части предложений.

1 d Gerry had been in hospital for three weeks because he had broken his leg.

Джерри пролежал в больнице три недели, потому что сломал ногу.

2 a  He was stuck in bed, so he felt bored.

Он был прикован к постели (дословно: застрял в постели), поэтому ему было скучно.

3 b Gerry's family sent him cards, but his friends hadn’t sent him anything.

Семья Джерри прислала ему открытки, но друзья ничего ему не прислали.

4 g His doctor came to see him that morning and saw his cards.

   В то утро к нему пришла его врач и увидела его открытки.

5 c His mother came that afternoon and gave him a CD player.

  Его мама пришла в тот день и подарила ему CD-плеер.

6 h His classmates had planned surprise birthday party and brought Gerry a card and some presents.

 Его одноклассники запланировали сюрприз на день рождения и принесли Джерри открытку и подарки.

7 e Gerry was happy because his friends hadn’t forgotten morning and him after all.

  Джерри был счастлив, потому что в конце концов его друзья не забыли про утро и про него.

8 f Gerry’s doctor came that afternoon and gave him some wonderful news.

 Врач Джерри пришла в тот же день и сообщила ему замечательные новости.

Ill. True or False - Верно или неверно

1. It was Gerry's thirteenth birthday. - true

 Джерри исполнялось 13 лет. - верно

2. Gerry had received a lot of cards and gifts from his family and neighbours. - true

  Джерри получил много открыток и подарков от своей семьи и соседей. - верно

3. But Gerry wasn't very happy. - true

   Но Джерри был не очень счастлив. - верно

4. Mum gave him a nice mobile phone. - false (she gave him a CD player)

  Мама подарила ему прекрасный мобильный телефон. - неверно (она подарила ему CD-плеер)

5. His friends didn't come to Gerry's birthday. - false (his whole class came)

  Друзья не пришли на день рождения Джерри. - неверно (пришел весь его класс)

6. The doctor said Gerry would go home tomorrow. - true

 Врач сказала, что Джерри завтра поедет домой. - верно

IV. Answer the questions.- Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Why was Gerry feeling sorry for himself?

Gerry was feeling sorry for himself because he had broken his leg, and he was in hospital.

2. How did his birthday start?

 His birthday started in the same way as the previous days in hospital.

3. What did Gerry receive from his family and neighbours?

   Gerry received cards from his family and neighbours.

4. Why wasn't Gerry happy?

  Gerry wasn't happy because he thought that his friends had forgotten him.

5. Who visited Gerry then?

   At half past ten the doctor came to see him,  at lunch time his mother arrived and brought a dozen gifts for Gerry. Then his whole class came.

6. What did his classmates give him?

 His classmates gave him a huge card and three CDs of his favourite band.


1. Почему Джерри было жалко себя?

 Джерри было жалко себя, потому что он сломал ногу и находился в больнице.

2. Как начался его день рождения?

  Его день рождения начался так же, как и предыдущие дни в больнице.

3. Что Джерри получил от своей семьи и соседей?

    Открытки от своей семьи и соседей.

4. Почему Джерри не был счастлив?

   Джерри не был счастлив, потому что думал, что друзья забыли о нем.

5. Кто посетил Джерри?

    В половине одиннадцатого к нему пришла его врач, а к обеду приехала его мама и привезла Джерри дюжину подарков. Потом пришел весь его класс.

6. Что ему подарили одноклассники?

  Одноклассники подарили ему огромную открытку и три диска с записями его любимой группы.


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