Monologue "Friendship" 8 sentences
СРОЧНО!!! Даю 70 балов!​


Ответ дал: dg218602


Really? You want to know why? You want to know why I haven’t picked up the phone when you’ve called me? And why I haven’t bothered calling you back in weeks? Okay fine, I’ll tell you why. It’s because I feel like this hasn’t really been a friendship in years. I mean come on, what did you think? Every time I see you, you just put me down. You know what my insecurities are and you like to fixate on them and poke and prod and make fun of them. I’m well aware of your insecurities but I would never make fun of them. Cause I always thought that’s what friends did. And clearly I’m not really your friend if you don’t feel a need to make me feel good about myself. And then there’s the thing where every time I see you, I just drive you around. So I’m your chauffeur and human punching bag. And quite frankly I can’t keep doing this. I just can’t. The other day I was thinking about it, and I realized there’s no reason for me to opt into this type of relationship. There’s no reason for me to willingly hang out with people who make me feel this way. So just let me do this. My first step to truly being happy is not hanging out with people like you.

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