Тема: согласование времён



Ответ дал: sonealya


  • 1) that
  • 2) that day
  • 3) there
  • 4) that night
  • 5) the next day
  • 6) at the time
  • 7) those


При переводе прямой речи в косвенную указательные местоимения и наречия изменяются (см. пункт "Теория").

1) 'This hotel is very nice.'

He thought that hotel was very nice.

2) 'Today is my birthday'

He said that day was his birthday.

3) 'There isn't anyone here.'

He said that there wasn't anyone there.

4) 'I can't go out tonight.'

He said that he couldn't go out that night.

5) 'I'm seeing Jack tomorrow.'

He said he was seeing Jack the next day.

6) 'The classroom is empty now.'

He said that the classroom was empty at the time.

7) 'These grapes taste delicious.'

He said that those grapes tasted delicious.


Правила изменения указательных местоимений и наречий при переводе прямой речи в косвенную:

  • this => that
  • these => those
  • now => then/at that moment/at the time
  • today => that day
  • ago => before
  • a year ago => a year before
  • last night => the previous night
  • here => there
  • yesterday => the day before/the previous day
  • the day before yesterday => two days before
  • tomorrow => the next day/the following day
  • the day after tomorrow => two days later
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