Согласование времён



Ответ дал: nellytheelephant


1 They said that their parents didn't understand them.

2 He said that he wasn't enjoying that book.

3 They said it was cold there that day.

4 He said he couldn't find his wallet.

5 She said that those shoes didn't fit her.

6 She said that her friends were waiting for her.

7 He said he was sorry, but there weren't any chips that night.

8 She said that she was starting a new job the following week.


когда прямую речь надо преобразовать в косвенную, нужно соблюдать правило согласования времен. То есть глаголы настоящего времени заменяются формами прошедшего времени, а также заменяются слова this, these, now, today, here и так далее.

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