21. Выбрать степень сравнения прилагательных: Every year The Guinness Book of World Records announces ….. person in the world. A. more higher B. the highest C. highest D. highestest E. most highestest 22, выбрать степень сравнения прилагательных: I am 1.9 cm ... than you are. A. tallest B. more taller C. tallier D. taller E. more tallest 23. Выбрать степень сравнения прилагательных: This chair is ... than the other one. A. much comfortable B. many more comfortable C. very comfortable D. more comfortable E. comfortableest 24. Выбрать степень сравнения прилагательных: Cindy is ... girl I have ever met. A. the smartest B. smatier C. the most smartest D. smarter E. Smarterest 25. Выбрать степень сравнения прилагательных: Cars are getting ... as the years go by. A. the cheapest B. most cheaper C. cheaper D. much more cheaper E. more cheaper 26. Выбрать степень сравнения прилагательных: Jim’s is ... restaurant in our city. A. the expensiviest B. the more expensive C. expensivest D. the most expensive E. the more expensive 27. Выбрать степень сравнения прилагательных: This is the ... hangover I ever had. I’m never going to drink again. A. baddest B. worst C. best D. least E. more badest 28. Выбрать степень сравнения прилагательных: It was ... joke I have ever heard! A. more funnier B. the funniest C. the most funniest D. funnier E. the funnierest 29. Выбрать степень сравнения прилагательных: In my opinion the tiger is ... animal of all. A. more dangerous B. the dangeroustest C. very dangerous D. the most dangerous E. dangerousterest 30. Выбрать степень сравнения прилагательных: Do you know that dinosaurs were ... than houses? A. Bigger B. most smaller C. the biggest D. the smallest E. most bigger​

Аноним: Помогу с любыми дз и контрольными в любое время и бесплатно. Пиши в телеграм @hilariousznanija


Ответ дал: Аноним


21.  Every year The Guinness Book of World Records announces ….. person in the world. B. the highest

22. I am 1.9 cm ... than you are.  D. taller

23.  This chair is ... than the other one.  D. more comfortable

24.  Cindy is ... girl I have ever met. A. the smartest

25.  Cars are getting ... as the years go by.C. cheaper D. much more cheaper E. more cheaper

26.  Jim’s is ... restaurant in our city.  D. the most expensive

27. This is the ... hangover I ever had. I’m never going to drink again.  B. worst

28.  It was ... joke I have ever heard! A. more funnier B. the funniest

29.  In my opinion the tiger is ... animal of all.  D. the most dangerous

30.  Do you know that dinosaurs were ... than houses? A. Bigger


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