B. Write these sentences in the negative. 1. Carl 2. Marge 3. My ball 4. My grandparents 5. These pencils 6. I 7. Cats 8. You 9. Bears my friend. fat. pink. a king. 10. My books 11. My sister and I new. wild animals. a man. You're a boy. very old. orange. red. at home.​


Ответ дал: abbasovazara29


1)not carl

2)not marge

3)its not my ball

3)they srent my grandparents

5)these arent pencils

not cats

not you

not bearsy friend

not my books

its not my sister and i

Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


1. Carl isn't my friend.

2. Marge isn't fat.

3. My ball isn't pink.

4. My grandparents aren't very old.

5. These pencils aren't new.

6. I am not a man.

7. Cats aren't wild animals.

8. You aren't a boy.

9. Bears aren't orange.

10. My books aren't red.

11. My sister and I aren't at home.

Объяснение: Для отрицания после подлежащего I пиши am not: I am not a doctor.

После He, She, It пиши is not= isn't.

После You, We, They пиши : are not=aren't. We aren't workers.

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