190. Соедини два предложения, используя when или if. 1. The weather will be fine tomorrow. We will go to the country. If the weather is fine tomorrow, we will go to the country. 2. Sasha will come. We will play computer games. When Sasha comes, we will play computer games. 3. I will finish a school year with good marks. My parents will buy me a bi- cycle. 4. Jack will come today. We will play chess with him. 5. I will watch TV the whole day. My mum won't like it. 6. I will meet Mike after school. I'll give him my notebook. 7. I will have some free time tomorrow. I will draw a picture. 8. My mother will come home. She will teach me to cook. 9. I will buy some seeds of the flowers on Sunday. I will plant them. 10. Jim will have holidays. He will go to Italy. Срочнооо​


Ответ дал: HellishHelen


3. I will finish a school year with good marks. My parents will buy me a bicycle.
If I finish a school year with good marks, my parents will buy me a bicycle.
Если я закончу учебный год с хорошими отметками, родители купят мне велосипед.
4. Jack will come today. We will play chess with him.
When Jack comes today, we will play chess with him.
Когда сегодня придет Джек, мы будем играть с ним в шахматы.
5. I will watch TV the whole day. My mum won't like it.
If I watch TV the whole day, my mum won't like it.
Если я буду смотреть телевизор весь день, моей маме это не понравится.
6. I will meet Mike after school. I'll give him my notebook.
When I meet Mike after school, I'll give him my notebook.

Когда я встречусь с Майком после школы, я отдам ему свой блокнот.
7. I will have some free time tomorrow. I will draw a picture.
If I have some free time tomorrow, I will draw a picture.
Если у меня завтра будет свободное время, я нарисую картинку.
8. My mother will come home. She will teach me to cook.
When my mother comes home, she will teach me to cook.

Когда мама придет домой, она научит меня готовить.
9. I will buy some seeds of the flowers on Sunday. I will plant them.
If I buy some seeds of the flowers on Sunday, I will plant them.
Если я куплю семяна цветов в воскресенье, я их посажу.
10. Jim will have holidays. He will go to Italy.
When Jim has holidays  he will go to Italy.

Когда у Джима будут каникулы, он поедет в Италию.
Условные предложения 1 типа строятся по сл.схеме:
If/When+Present Simple, Future Simple.

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