6 Translate into English. 1) Минулого року він уперше взяв участь у спортивних зма- ганнях. 2) Ми іноді обідаємо з друзями. 3) Учора вона не переклала цю статтю. 4) Хто показав тобі цю фотографію? 5) Зазвичай він не дає свій фотоапарат друзям. 6) Куди вони срочно ​


Ответ дал: yanewore


1. Last year, he took part in sports competitions for the first time.

2. We sometimes have lunch with friends.

3. She didn't translate this article yesterday.

4. Who showed this photo?

5. He usually does not give his camera to his friends.

Ответ дал: cvb115


1) Last year, he took part in sports competitions for the first time.


2) We sometimes have lunch with friends.


3) She did not translate this article yesterday.


4) Who showed you this photo?


5) He usually does not give his camera to friends.


6) Where are they.


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