4 Complete the sentences. Use the past perfect form of the verbs in brackets. Remember that go can have two past participles. (See Look out! box on page 64.) 1 After l (leave) the newsagent's, I realised I (forget) to buy a paper. 2 I didn't know that deli was so expensive. I never (buy) anything there before. 3 When I got to the shopping centre, most of the shops (close) (not go) already 4 We didn't have any bread because I to the baker's. 5 My sister wasn't there when I got home because she (go) to the cinema.​


Ответ дал: dimonchop


1) After l left the newsagent's, I realised I had forgot to buy a paper.

2) I didn't know that deli was so expensive. I had never bought anything there before.

3) When I got to the shopping centre, most of the shops had already closed.

4) We didn't have any bread because I hadn't been to the baker's.

5) My sister wasn't there when I got home because she had gone to the cinema.​

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