2.We have English lessons on Friday.
A don't
B aren't
C doesn't D haven't
3 your parents like pop music?
A Are
B Do
C Does DIs
4 Shall I
_ a snack for you?
A do
B cook
C make
D serve
5 Are there
cheap hotels near the beach?
B any
C some D much
6 In my opinion, camping holidays are always great fun.
A the
D any
7 Bob's looking for a part-time_
_, three mornings a week.
A job
B work
C salary D pay
8 We a film at the moment but it's nearly finished
A watch
B are watching
C watching
D is watching
9 I usually
football on Saturdays.
A 'm playing B do play
C play
D's playing
10 My brother
to play the quitar at the moment.
A learns B does learn C 'm learning D's learning
11 Penelope isn't shy. She's really
A kind
B negative
C serious
D confident
12 Kate's hair is than Emily's.
A more long B longer
C long
D longest
13 My grandfather have to pay for the bus. Old people can travel for
A don't
B mustn't
C isn't
D doesn't
14 Do you usually well in your exams?
A get
B be
C pass
D do
15 You use your mobile phone in class. The teachers don't allow it.
A mustn't
B must C have to D don't have to
16 My cousin
swim when he was two years old.
A can
B did
C could D was
17 We played for three hours yesterday.
A cycling
B volleyball
C karate D sailing
swimming yesterday.
A did go
B go
C went
D did went
19 What activities on the summer camp?
A you have done
B you did
C did you do
D you do
20 We went to Spain
plane and then rented a car.
A by
B on
C in
D with
21 I never seen a coral reef. I'd love to go diving one day.
A didn't
B haven't
C did
D have
22 I can't eat now. I've had dinner.
A yet
B never
C just
D ever
23 Our organisation is trying hard to _
the local environment.
A destroy B pollute
C protect D plant
24 What like when temperatures rise by 2°C?
A the world will
B the world will be
C will the world
D will the world be
25 I'm play tennis with you again. You're too good!
A not going
B not go to
C not going to
D won't
26 Whenever I see her, she smiles all the time. She's very.
A caring B cheerful C sensible
D generous
27 I've never seen him laugh. He always looks so .
A selfish
B popular
C polite
D miserable
28 Don't trust him! He's
A independent
B outgoing
C wise
D dishonest
29 'Who does Ben sit next to?'
A Yes, he does.
B Tom does.
C Tom.
D Tom sits
30 How can Joe afford a new laptop?
A buying
B buy
C buys
31 Sam doesn't mind a bit longer.
A waits
B waiting
C wait
32 The
is too small. I can't see what's on it.
A password B browser
C screen
33 Do you_
_ any celebrities on Twitter?
A see
B update
C collect D follow
34 What were you doing when you.
the text?
A were getting
B got
C get
D getting
35 What time you go to bed last night?
A were
B had
C went
D did
36 Apollo 11
on the Moon in 1969.
A landed B did landed
C has landed
D was landing
37 your parents use to have mobile phones when they were
A Were
B Are
C Did
D Do
38 Jackie didn't to like coffee, but she loves it now.
A use
B using
C used
D uses
39 The plot was so I couldn't stop thinking how it's going to end.
A embarrassing
B predictable
C engaging
D disappointing
40 They're showing the first of a new sitcom tonight.
A scene
B episode
D chapter
41 Is London as Beijing?
A big
B as big
C more big D bigger
42 That was film I've ever seen.
A funniest
B funnier
C most funny
D the funniest
43 Jenny is only eighteen but she's written two plays.
A yet
B ever
C never
D already
44 Ouch! I've
cut my finger.
A already
B yet
C just
D ever
45 Can you help me? I'm not to reach this shelf.
A too tall
B too much tall
C tall enough
D enough tall

elizaagut: не нужно 1,2,3,4,5,7-20.


Ответ дал: TinaOd


2. A

3. B

4. D

5. B

6. B

7. A

8. B

9. C

10. D

11. D

12. B

13. D

14. D

15. A

16. C

17. B

18. C

19. C

20. A

21. D

22. C

23. C

24. D

25. C

26. B

27. D

28. D

29. C

30. A

31. C

32. C

33. D

34. B

35. D

36. A

37. C

38. A

39. C

40. B

41. B

42. D

43. D

44. C

45. C

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