10 Put the verbs in the correct tense.
1 ......
the train to work every morning?
2 Norman
at the desk by the printer today.
4 Today's interview
......... (you/take)
3 Beth ......
in education. She's a lawyer.
5 Mandy ........
the biggest event of my life!
of leaving the company.
..... (sit)
. (think)



Ответ дал: Mserenityt
1. Do you take the train to work every morning?
2. norman was sitting at the desk…
3. beth doesn't work in education. She's a lawyer
4. Today's... was the biggest...
5. Mandy was thinking of leaving
Вроде так:)

anasteishasr: почему во втором past continuous? там же обычный паст симпл, и в пятом презент симпл
Ответ дал: anasteishasr
1)Do you take the train to work every morning?
2)Norman sat at the desk by the printer today.
3)Beth doesn’t work in education. She’s a lawyer.
4)Today’s interview was the biggest event of my life!
5)Mandy thinks of leaving the company.
можно пожалуйста лучший ответ?

annasorokina1718: ДЯКУЮЮЮ!!!
anasteishasr: немає за що!!)
kimkarina953: Добрый вечер. Не могли бы мне помочь с английским языком пожалуйста очень нужно. До завтра.
karina2009romanenko: дякую
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