
Use of English

9 Complete the text with one word in each gap.

Family life (1) ……………………… changing a lot these days. In some countries, all (2) ……………………… members of a family (3) ……………………… in the same place, sometimes in the same home. However, in other countries, people often have to move away (4) ……………………… their home town to find a job when they are ready to start work. They get married and start (5) ……………………… family away from their parents, and then their children do exactly the same thing. Grandparents sometimes live hundreds of miles away from their grandchildren. Sometimes they are even in

(6) ……………………… different country! This can cause a lot of problems when people (7) ……………………… older. Sons and (8) ……………………… can’t help their parents when they are ill and they have to go into hospital or special homes. The

..................Розрив стовпця..................grandparents are (9) ……………………… there to help with the grandchildren when they are young and some parents have to send them to special schools at a young age if they need to go to work. In many countries, this problem is getting worse (10) ……………………… people are worried that family life is never going to be the same again.


Ответ дал: Ixianmya


1) is; 2)live; 3)a new; 4)a; 5)get; 6)going; 7)their; 8)and

yareechka: а 9 какое?
yareechka: и 10
Ixianmya: Family life is changing a lot these days.
In some countries, all the members of a family live in the same place, sometimes in the same home. However, in other countries, people often have to move away from their home town to find a job when they are ready to start work. They get married and start a new family away from their parents, and then their children do exactly the same thing. Grandparents sometimes live hundreds of mlles away from their grandchildren.
Ixianmya: Sometimes they are even in a different country. This can cause a lot of problems when people get older. Sons and daughters can't help their parents when they are ill and they have to go into hospital or special homes. The grandparents are going there to help with the grandchildren when they are young. Some parents have to send their children to special schools at a young age if they need to go to work.
Ixianmya: In many countries, this problem is getting worse and people are worried that family life is never going to be the same again.​
Ixianmya: вот правильный текст
Ixianmya: прости, я просто запуталась
yareechka: все спасибо большое
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