Напишіть 12 речень, використовуючи правила «Деякі/Будь-які».
Write 12 sentences using the rules upon "Some/ Any".​


Ответ дал: top4ik366


1) I think he will have some time to speak to you today.

2) Would you like some coffee?

3) Some of my friends can speak English well.

4) He will bring some friends to the party next week.

5) I really want some striped socks.

6) I found some wild strawberries growing by the side of the road.


1) Do you know any famous people?

2) Are there any letters for me?

3) They did it without any difficulty.

4) If they need any help, tell them to call me.

5) We don’t have any money.

6) Have you got any information about it?

Some - in positive sentences. Any - in negative sentences.

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