Помогите пожалуйста 1,2,5 фото из книги прикрепляю Developing writing
An informal email
1 READING Read the email on the right from
a boy called Liam to his new e-pal.
Complete Liam's personal profile.
E-pal profile
NAME Liam Byron
1 Life at school
2 Free-time activities
To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Subject: About me
3 Name, age, home town and family
4 Daily routine
A My name's Liam Byron. I'm 14 and I live with my family in
Newcastle, in the UK. My father is English, but my mother
is German. I've got a brother and a sister. Their names are
Lucas and Claire.
BI go to a big school called Riverton. I like science, so my
favourite subjects are biology and chemistry. Our school
year always starts in September. Lessons begin at quarter
to nine and finish at half past three
C I get up at eight o'clock on school days. I walk to school
because it's only ten minutes away. We have a 20-minute
break in the morning and I have lunch at school at quarter
past twelve.
2 Read Liam's email again. Match the headings with the
paragraphs in the email.
D In my free time, I play guitar in a band. We're not bad! I
don't like sport much, but on Wednesdays and Fridays I
usually go to the swimming pool with my friends. What
about you? What do you do in your free time?
Write back soon and tell me all about yourself.
Best wishes,
Paragraph A
Paragraph B
Paragraph C
Paragraph D
30 When do we use capital letters in English? One of the
answers below is not correct. Which one? Use the email
to help you.
1 with names and surnames
2 with cities
3 with countries
4 with nationalities and languages
5 Look at Liam's email again and complete
the information in the Writing bank.
Useful words and expressions in informal
Begin with.
Use contractions, e.g.
I am, and
or Dear (Liam).
not I have got.
Use exclamation marks to show
To finish, write Write back
Bye for now!, Best
All the



Ответ дал: mivinka83


Exercise 1

Age: 14

Lives: Newcastle, UK

Brothers and sisters: Lucas and Claire

Favourite subjects: Biology, Chemistry

Free-time activities: playing the guitar, swimming

Exercise 2

1) Paragraph B

2) Paragraph D

3) Paragraph A

4) Paragraph C

Exercise 3


Exercise 4

1) Hi

2) I'm, not I am and I've got, not I have got

3) We're not bad!

4) Write back soon

liza190110: а ех 4 я не высылала это что за задание?
kimkarina953: Здравствуйте вы не могли бы мне помочь с химией пожалуйста
kimkarina953: Добрый вечер. не могли бы мне помочь с химией пожалуйста умоляюю
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