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Ответ дал: aslanoveli7777


Упражнение D

1)I had cooked dinner by the time you get home.

2)In a few minutes,I waited here for Craig for over two hours.Where can he be?

3)We'll halfway trough the sponsored swim in one hour so we had swimmed for forty-eight hours non-stop by then.

4)They hadn't finished painting the house by the time we get back from holiday.

5)if she's still on the phone at eight o'clock,Jan talks to Melisa for seven hours.

6)At six o'clock this evening,we hadn't climbed for five hours but for seven hours!

7)This time next month,you will probably passyour driving test!

8)Had you did all your homework by bedtime?

9)Tommorow will Elanie works on the project for ten days.

10)We hadn't left probably by the time you get home.

Упражнение E

1)We'll habe something to eat has got home.

2)I'll tell you your results is soonning marking the exams.

3)Remember to wear lots of sunscreen will while across the Sahara next week.

4)They won't release the DVD befores at the cinema.

5)At ten past ten tommorow will take my science exam

6)Let's have supper watched the space documentary.

7)By lunchtime,had all the invitations.

8)I won't give you test untill some revision

9)We'll have moved into our new house bied you visit us.

10) Let's make a decision once got some more information.

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