Choose the correct response. 1 A: Hi, I wonder if you could help me. B: a Sure. What's the problem? b I need a book for my IT class. 2 A: What's the title of the book? B: a Alright. Just one moment. b It's Easy PC by Mark Foster. 3 A: When will it be back in? B: a It's out right now. b In two days. 4 A: I can call you when I have the book. B: a It's due next week. b That would be great. 5 A: Can I take out these books, please? B: a Can I see your library card? b Can you leave a phone number?​



Ответ дал: an4stasia2112
1.a 2.b 3.b 4.b 5.a…….

lolohi4kapopkorn: спасибо
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