2 Language and literature: Theatre shapes 1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Check your answers in a dictionary. actors audience box circle gods lights scenery seat stage stalls 1 The 2 A 3 The 4 The. 5 The 6 A. 7 The. 8 The 9 The 10 The stage are the people who watch the play. is what the audience sit on. are the highest seats in the theatre. are the people in the play. is where the actors stand. is a special place to sit next to the stage. are seats in front of the stage. is painted to show a place, for example, a forest. are seats over the stalls. point at the stage and give light. Label the picture with ning of the words in exercise 1​


Ответ дал: kutbergenovad







AidanaBg: 2.seat 3.gods 4.actors 5.stage 6.circle 7.box 8.scenery 9.stalls 10.light
AidanaBg: Проверено мои учителем ✅️
AidanaBg: *моим
tamazovanarmin: Спасибо большое вам " AidanaBg"
amantaykyzyayawlim: Не правильно AidanaBg
amantaykyzyayawlim: 1.Audience 2.Stalls 3.Gods 4.Actors 5.Stage 6.Gods 7.Circle 8.Scenery 9.Stalls 10.Light
ustekinkar: какой вариант верный??
ustekinkar: мне срочно нужно!!!
ustekinkar: amantaykyzyayawlim ты неправильно написала, у тебы повторилось слово "stalls" это так долэно быть???
ustekinkar: должно
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