Очень срочно!!! Написати есе на тему " Чи варто підліткам користуватись мобільними телефонами" за планом On Screen 3 Students Book сторінка 93. 120-180 слів з використанням Linking worlds



Ответ дал: Cookiecake


Nowadays almost all teenagers have smartphones. Everyone uses them for their own requests. It could be searching information, playing internet games, watching movies and so on. But some people think, that smartphones distract teenagers from the more important things.

In my opinion, Smartphones are very useful and there is more advantages than disadvantages.

Firstly, Smartphones could save the live. If the child gets into the dangerous situation, child can call the parents or the police.

Secondly, parents can easily get comunicate with their child. They can find out where is the child and is everything okay or not. Also, the child can warn about a delay in a school and take time off for a walk.

However, teenagers often prefer to chat with friends or social networks, instead of doing their homework. I think that it trains the child's responsibility and how he manages his time.

To sum up, parents shouldn't pick up the smartphones from their childs. Smartphones instill good qualities in a teenager, such as responsibility and the ability to seize opportunities. 174

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