Напишите пожалуйста про Илона Маска на английском используя слова в Past Simple


Ответ дал: elina4akonopleva5


Elon Musk was born in 1971 on June 28.Elon Musk created the SpaceX space company.On May 30, 2020, SpaceX launched the first ever

Crew Dragon spacecraft into space. Elon Musk was born into the family of accountant Errol Musk and famous model Mae Musk .Musk earned his first $500 at the age of 12 .Elon Musk admitted that he loves the Russian language. So Elon Musk created many projects and became popular all over the world.Столько хватит?Могу добавить)

aldosjdj: Спасибо большое :)
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