Контрольная работа по английскому Present simple 1) ... you (to like) playing chess? a. Does you like
1) ... you (to like) playing chess? a. Does you like b. Do you like c. Do you likes
2) he Blacks ... a nice cottage in the village. a. have got b. has got c. to have
3) .... Molly ... any new dress? a. Do Molly have b. Does Molly have c. Does Molly has
4) ... Mary (to know) German? a. Does Mary know b. Do Mary know c. Does Mary knows
5) My father ... a headache. a. is b. has got c. have got
6) ... Mum ... any sisters or brothers? a. Does Mum has b. Does Mum have c. Have Mum got
7) ... you ... any time to cook dinner? Sorry, I ...a. Has you got, have got b. Have you got, is not c. Do you have, don't

8) ... Kate (to speak) Japanese? a. Is ... speak b. Does ... speaks c. Does ... speak
9) ... Ann (to listen) to records? a. Does ... listens b. Do ... listens c. Does... listen
10) .. Harry and Sally (to read) an interesting journal? a. Do ... reads b. Do ... read c. Does... reads
11) She (to study) every evening. a. studies b. study c. to study
12) Sandra (to go) to college every day. a. go b. to go c. goes
13) My father (to watch) TV every evening. a. watches b. watch c. to watch
14) I usually (to go) to swim in summer. a. go b. goes c. to go
15) He always (to eat) breakfast at 7 o'clock.a. eat b. eats c. to eat
16) My aunt (to teach) Mathematics. a. teach b. to teach c. teaches
17) Don't give him an apple, he (not to like) it. a. doesn't like b. don't like c. doesn't likes
18) She always (to get up) early in the morning. a. get up b. to get up c. gets up
19) ... Ann (to help) her mother with the housework? a. Does ... help b. Does...helps c. Do ... help
20) She usually (to take) bus to university. a. take b. takes c. to take


Ответ дал: querki


1b, 2b, 3b, 4a, 5a, 6b, 7c, 8c, 9c, 10b, 11a, 12c, 13a, 14a, 15b, 16c, 17a, 18c, 19a, 20b


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