Пожалуйста помогите!!!!

1.Put the dialogue in the correct order.

a ________No way! I think horror films are so scary. Let's watch a comedy. What about "Night in a museum?
b_______Hi Tom. Why don't we go to the cinema?
c ________ Great! I'm in.
d_______What about "Zombie in the city"?
e________ No, thanks. I don't like comedies. I suppose they are silly.
f_______ Hi Andrew. That's a good idea. Are there any good films on?
g _______Ok. How about an action film?

(Баллов: 1.5)
Введите ответ
2.Complete the text with the Present continuous form of the verbs in the box.

drink eat not sit play not read sit use watch

It's five o'clock in the afternoon. Mum and Dad 1___________ in the living room. Mum 2____________ a biscuit and Dad 3______________ tea. Derek 4 ____________ in the living room with them. He's in his bedroom. He 5 _____________ the computer, but he 6 ______________________ emails. He 7 ________________ computer games.
My sister 8________________ a comedy in her room.


Ответ дал: sashko0967



a) 4

b) 1

c) 7

d) 3

e) 5

f) 2

g) 6


1) are sitting

2) is eating

3) is drinking

4) is not sitting

5) is using

6) is not reading

7) is playing

8) is watching


если задания нужно писать на листке, то во втором лучше are is писать карандашом, ибо не уверена нужно ли их там писать вообще

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