эх английский:(

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Ответ дал: vasilovicdenio

2 will be

3 will rain

4 will take

5 will arive

6 will you get

7 will phone

8 will go

9 will not be

10 will not able to phone

syndebila: легенда
Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


2. .. if the weather is bad?

3. ...If it rains I will take the ten o'clock bus.

4. But if the bus arrives late, how will you get there then?

7.I will phone for a taxi if something goes wrong. 9. But it there isn't a signal you will not be able to phone for a taxi. ... .


в условной части предложения ( начинается со слова if) пишем present Simple, хотя переводим на рус. вбудущем времени.

syndebila: гений
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