Срочно даю 60 баллов ​



Ответ дал: Аноним


Exercise 1

1 - Steven works in the oil industry

2 - Delia works at CP Engineering.

3 - Jackie works as a plumber

4 - Maria works with her sister

Exercise 2

1 - My parents are getting advice from a design consultant on how to decorate the inside of our house.

2 - The flight attendant brought us meals and drinks during our plane journey to the US.

3 - As a bus driver, Ben takes hundreds of passengers round the city every day.

4 - A police officer came to talk to us when my mum’s bag was stolen in the shopping centre.

Exercise 3

1 - James enjoys doing flexible hours at his office.

2 - Rosie desn’t often have a day off during the week.

3 - Joe often works shifts at the local car factory.

4 - Harry has always wanted to be in IT and become a programmer.

Exercise 4

1 - As a secondary school teacher, my mum has to deal with all kinds of students.

2 - I’m never going to look at these old history notes again – I might as well throw them out.

3 - My uncle wants to go to Australia and set up his own business.


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